5 principles for persuasive presentations

This eBook is great for everyone who delivers presentations and/or speeches and want to become better at it (and make them persuasive presentations). This is an introductory eBook but those 5 principles are guaranteed to take you immediately to another level.

ebook-en-coverMore than 20 years of helping people with public speaking have taught me what really matters and I am presenting them to you in an easy and applicable way. Those principles are actionable and can be embraced by anyone without any particular skill. The benefits will be there already at the next presentation.

Delivering persuasive presentations, moving audiences, it means to motivate your public to an action, do something different, think or behave differently. There are no strict rules to follow, but there are common mistakes. Avoiding them while keeping in mind what really matters, are the two factors to be successful.

5 principles, 5 ideas, 5 guide lines that you can use during preparation and delivery of presentations.

Your ideas, your products or solutions, your messages deserve better presentations.
Go, write and deliver them!

The book is available on Amazon Kindle.


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