3 ways to build a happy marriage

3 ways to build a happy marriage

#LearnFromTED is back thanks to George Blair-West who’s giving some advice on happy marriage, it’s also a good chance to pick up some public speaking tips! I encourage you to watch the video and try to write down your own observations, which you can also...
No Cliparts or Starburst!

No Cliparts or Starburst!

Cliparts are old, ugly and lame. I don’t know how else to put it. So are starburst and fancy shape you may see in ads or flyers, they don’t work well for presentations. The only advice I can give you on cliparts is simple: avoid them! They really look from...
Raise an issue

Raise an issue

This #LearnFromTED is bittersweet since it covers a sad prediction that fell on death ears. Nonetheless it’s a good TED Talk and not only because history proved its foresight. The speaker is Bill Gates, and he wants to raise an issue. He talks about how we are...