Font size

Font size

Recently I have come across an infographic on public speaking that mentioned font size. The statement is clear: The 30pt rule. Don’t use text smaller than that or the audience will not be able to read it. What is the right font size for your slides? Is the 30pt...
Creativity and slides

Creativity and slides

I often talk about Lawrence Lessig in my public speaking courses (I hope he’ll not sue me for that). He’s a great speaker and talks about interesting topics, in this episode of #LearnFromTED we’ll see storytelling and a creative approach to slides....
Present like a rockstar

Present like a rockstar

Bono is the guest of this #LearnFromTED! What can you learn for your presentations from a rockstar? Well, if you have desire of pride for your public speaking he’s the one you can look upon as someone to watch without a vertigo. Jokes aside his talk at TED back...
Picture or chart?

Picture or chart?

Sometimes I am asked if is it better to use a picture or a chart to represent data (or a series of them). Charts can be complicated and boring but they are the natural tool we use to visualize numbers. Pictures are more appealing, have a higher emotional content and...